The following articles are a small sample of my professional writing.
The ePorfolio Reflection describes my journey through the University of British Columbia’s Master of Technology Program. Each blog post describes my learning experience in the field of educational technology and gives examples of my technological development and writing.
The Venture Analysis of the Livescribe Pulse Pen is an article explaining my analysis and review of pen technology for helping college students.
The Venture Pitch for the Livescribe Pulse Pen is a mock pitch I made to investors after deciding the pen was a great product and worthy of investment.
The Guide to Sales Presentations is an informative article explaining how to create effective presentations.
Creating a Writing Resume and a Writing Cover Letter is an article teaching writers how to write an effective resume and cover letter.
Are You Dreading September was published in a teen magazine called Gibberless.
For the Love of Reading Newspaper Column Part 6 is an article from my newspaper column For the Love of Reading.
Many of my articles were ghost written so please contact me if you would like more specific examples of my writing or visit my eportfolio.